Wild Assent

Listen to The Quackalope Podcast

Today we discuss Wild Assent, designed by Robert McConnell and published by Lazy Squire Games. It’s been more than two years since this game was revealed to the Kickstarter community but it’s in the fulfillment process now, so it’s time to return to the days of old and hunt packs of monsters in this tactical skirmish game replete with gorgeous miniatures. It’s a different board gaming world from when Wild Assent first launched. So… how does it measure up to the hype and years of expectation?!

Learn more about Wild Assent here.

Should we play it again? Bring it to the channel? Never touch it again? Let us know in the comments!

-Time Stamps-

2:07 - Overview
6:07 - First Impressions
9:11 - But Does It Skirmish?
13:11 - Dissent With Wild Assent
14:13 - Not So Fast
15:33 - Now The Big Questions
16:41 - Jan’s Rebuttal

Devon Norris

Devon Norris lives in Texas, and he's not sure how he feels about that. When he's not gaming or procrastinating, he's finding other ways to avoid work. If he listed all his interests, it'd be a long sentence that you wouldn't want to finish reading. If you play on any console, maybe you can hear his frustrated cries through your headset.


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