At the Mountains of Madness Volume II – Review
At the Mountains of Madness is one of the iconic HP Lovecraft stories, and François Baranger does a fabulous job of bringing the horrifying landscape to life in this illustrated two-volume set.
Here are my thoughts on the second volume!

Rolling Realms – First Impressions
Rolling Realms was the pandemic brainchild of Jamey Stegmaier but it grew in popularity and the demand for a physical copy of the game brings us today! Now you can dive into all of the worlds in the Stonemaier Games catalog. With much rolling and writing to be had.

Land vs Sea– First Impressions
Land vs Sea is a deceptive game because it’s such a simple presentation. With very few components and a brief loading bar full of rules, this game sneaks in a hefty visual puzzle that will keep you busy for a long time.

Goldenstar – First Impressions
Goldenstar: The Galactic Tournament is an upcoming game from publisher Gindi and it’s a space-based face-off between the biggest fighters in the galaxy. Prepare your challengers against your opponents and see if you can earn the favor of the fans as you compete!

Magical Friends – First Impressions
Magical Friends is an upcoming game from designer Klemens Luger that transports players into a fantasy world where all creatures comingle in the tavern… but you have to get there first!

Neon Gods – First Impressions
Neon Gods is a unique area control set in a futuristic world of blue and purple hues reminiscent of nostalgic ‘80s movies. The aesthetic lends a sci-fi punk atmosphere to this back-and-forth land grab.

The Court of Miracles – First Impressions
The Court of Miracles packs an area control and hidden worker placement game into less than an hour. That’s an impressive crunch, but does that compression help or hurt it? Let’s jump into some first impressions of this curious title from Lucky Duck Games!

ThreeTale – First Impressions
ThreeTale shows a lot of promise as a stat-boosting exploration game. While it already boasts a strong gameplay experience, a few tweaks could bring it to a high level for players to enjoy again and again.

Bushido – First Impressions
Bushido takes a minute to limber up, but once that’s done, players will be able to enjoy the highs and the lows in this fast-paced dueling dice-chucker.

Steam Up – First Impressions
Steam Up: A Feast of Dim Sum is a gorgeous descent into the world of dim sum. It’s full of quirky creatures, delightful components, and it presents a unique visual feast for players to enjoy.

The Networks – First Impressions
The Networks is a no-holds-barred, tooth-and-nail fight between TV executives to get the best shows and the coolest stars signed and secured. At the end of the game, the station with the most viewers wins!

Between Two Castles: Secrets & Soirees – First Impressions
Secrets & Soirees brings you back into the world of the Mad King and challenges you to be a better builder. Get those castles on the table and make the best one you can!

Chronicles of Drunagor - RFY / WFY
After putting hours into the Chronicles of Drunagor campaign, I can say that it’s an adventure that excites and engages. Daniel Alves and Eurico Cunha have built a dungeon crawler with the action-selection cube mechanism shining at its center. It will encourage you to keep it out on the table and keep revealing more of the story and character progression.

Guild Master – First Impressions
Grow your guild! Negotiate with rivals (only when you have to)! And become the best Guild Master this side of table-utopia with this strategy game from Chris Antony and Good Games Publishing!

Fossilis - RFY / WFY
Fossilis is the brainchild of designer David Diaz, and it brings the world of fossil-hunting to life in a tile-pushing dig site full of archaeological fun. It’s a kid-friendly game that will keep the adults engaged. Is it right or wrong for you?

Wreck and Ruin - RFY / WFY
If you were ever wondering what it would be like if Mad Max: Fury Road was turned into an objective-hunting board game, then Wreck and Ruin might be the answer you were looking for.

The Rival Networks – First Impressions
The Rival Networks brings the parody and charm of The Network to a two-player experience. Designer Gil Hova has reduced the size and footprint of his 2016 game and made it exclusively an adventure for two.

Veilwraith – First Impressions
Veilwraith delivers a tough solo experience with immersive lore and engrossing art (which seems to be the norm for Hall or Nothing Productions). Here’s what I thought of the base game!

MicroMacro: Crime City - RFY / WFY
Look on a map and find the murder. Once that’s done, you’ve got to trace it all back to discover the victim, the murderer, and the motive. Everything you see is another story unfolding in MicroMacro: Crime City!

Ruthless – First Impressions
Ruthless is a solid deckbuilder that makes players feel like they can do a lot by the end of the game, mustering pirates onto the decks of their ship and assembling the strongest crew on the water!