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Russian Railroads (ft. Jonny Pac)

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Today we discuss our Russian Railroads in celebration of it’s recent reprint announcement. We sit down with acclaimed designer Jonny Pac (e.g. Coloma, Lions of Lydia, Fistful of Meeples, Merchants Cove) to figure out what exactly fuels this powerful locomotive. Russian Railroads is a worker placement euro where players are competing in an exciting race to build the largest and most advanced railway network. In the game each player has a personal board, with space for factories, and 3 rail tracks (to 3 different cities). The central board has (almost) all the locations for placing workers. Each location requires 1-3 workers (of one player; played all together). Each round ends when all players have passed on placing/using workers. Then, score VP for each track and factory line. After 7 rounds the game ends; most VP wins! (Description provided by the publisher.)

Learn more about Jonny Pac and his games here.

Learn more about Russian Railroads here.

Should we play it again? Bring it to the channel? Never touch it again? Let us know in the comments!

-Time Stamps-

1:38 - Introduction to Jonny Pac
7:02 - What is Russian Railroads?
10:16 - Context of Playthrough
11:07 - Game Overview
15:32 - What’s Unique About It?
19:10 - A Sandbox Euro
21:20 - Paths to Victory and Theme
28:32 - How Does It All Come Together?
32:26 - Did You Enjoy It? Would You Play It Again? ft. Jonny Pac
35:32 - Did You Enjoy It? Would You Play It Again? ft. Jesse
36:40 - Did You Enjoy It? Would You Play It Again? ft. Jan
39:13 - Learning from Other Designers