

We have been experimenting with various formats and styles of videos across our distribution channels. Including new review formats, highly edited gameplay, interviews, overviews, flavor text videos, and full feature videos. We are always challenging our style, coverage, and production quality.

Our right for you / wrong for you series has been one of the most successful new formats on the channel. Once a week we take the time to break down a game into elements that we consider when adding a game into our gaming library. Those elements include; Overview, Theme, Accessibility, Gameplay, Modes of Play, Innovation, and Price.


With our how to play series we decided to take a new approach to the classic video format. Instead of a set of talking hands we choose to sit down next to each-other and have a conversation - the way you would learn around the table. We follow a structure based on the natural flow fo the game, still include our high quality footage to supplement the learning, and leave the viewer with a deeper sense of how the gameplay flows.