Cosmic Frogs (ft. Tablenauts)
Today we discuss Cosmic Frog by Devious Weasel Games designed by Jim Felli! In Cosmic Frogs, Cosmic Frog is a game of collection, combat, and theft on a planetary scale. Each player controls a two-mile-tall, immortal, invulnerable frog-like creature that exists solely to gather terrain from the Shards of Aeth, the fragments of a long-ago shattered world.

Cartographers and Popular Roll & Writes (ft. Jay Cormier)
Today we discuss bevy of Roll & Writes with Jay Cormier founder of Off The Page Games and designer of games like Akotiri, In the Hall of the Mountain King, Junk Art and many more! In the episode we talk about all things surrounding Roll & Writes, but we focus specifically on That’s So Clever, Patchwork Doodle, Cartographers, Welcome To and Rajas of the Ganges: The Dice Charmers. We cap the episode off by breaking down the history of the genre and what innovations influenced its modern day implementation.

Era: Medieval Age (ft. The Hexy Beast)
Today we discuss Era: Medieval Age designed by Matt Leacock and published by eggertspiele featuring The Hexy Beast! Era: Medieval Age serves as the spiritual successor to Roll Through The Ages. In Era, your dice represent different classes of medieval society as players attempt to build the most prosperous city. The "build" comes into play as players actually build their cities on their boards. By the end of the game, each player will have a unique city of their very own. (Description provided by the publisher.)

Twilight Imperium (ft. Space Cats Peace Turtles)
Today we discuss Twilight Imperium 4th Edition by Fantasy Flight Games with none other than Space Cats Peace Turtles, the authority on everything TI. Twilight Imperium is a war and 3X game of galactic conquest in which three to six players take on the role of one of seventeen factions vying for galactic domination through military might, political maneuvering, and economic bargaining. A round begins with players selecting one of eight strategy cards that both determine player order and give their owner a unique strategic action for that round. After these roles are selected, players take turns moving their fleets from system to system, claiming new planets for their empire, and engaging in warfare and trade with other factions.

Townsfolk Tussle
This week we have a doozy for yah! Jan’s out of commission, but the show must go on! Alex from BoardGameCo joins us to talk about Townsfolk Tussle, a new take on the Kingdom Death formula! Townsfolk Tussle is a co-op boss battler for 2-5 players where you’ll be using your context to your advantage and improvising with the weapons your enemy will drop.

Feudum, by Oddbird Games, is an economic sandbox euro of hand and resource management for 2-5 players. Your goal is to take advantage of your position within 5 guilds at the most opportune time to be victorious by game end. Unless, of course, you starve, get sidetracked by sea serpents or develop an unhealthy interest in fermented grapes. Sound familiar?

Project Elite
“We’ve got the buggers coming in all directions. We need support and we need it now! Artemis, you take care of our flank; Bob, you take the lead and Jesse watch my back.” 5 Minutes Later “Where the hell is Jesse, we’re overrun!!?” says the sergeant as he looks back and catches Anderson stuck in place. Jesse screams: “I just couldn’t roll feet, sarge…I just couldn’t roll!” In today’s episode, we talk about Project Elite by CMON and Artipia Games, a real-time Ameritrash dice and miniatures game where the goal is to push the hordes of aliens back long enough to complete your objective before being overrun.