Dwellings of Eldervale (ft. Quackalope Writing Team)
Today we discuss Dwellings of Eldervale designed by Luke Laurie and published by Breaking Games featuring The Quackalope Writing Team! Dwellings of Eldervale Dwellings of Eldervale is hybrid worker placement game set in a once lost magical world.

Feudum, by Oddbird Games, is an economic sandbox euro of hand and resource management for 2-5 players. Your goal is to take advantage of your position within 5 guilds at the most opportune time to be victorious by game end. Unless, of course, you starve, get sidetracked by sea serpents or develop an unhealthy interest in fermented grapes. Sound familiar?

Project Elite
“We’ve got the buggers coming in all directions. We need support and we need it now! Artemis, you take care of our flank; Bob, you take the lead and Jesse watch my back.” 5 Minutes Later “Where the hell is Jesse, we’re overrun!!?” says the sergeant as he looks back and catches Anderson stuck in place. Jesse screams: “I just couldn’t roll feet, sarge…I just couldn’t roll!” In today’s episode, we talk about Project Elite by CMON and Artipia Games, a real-time Ameritrash dice and miniatures game where the goal is to push the hordes of aliens back long enough to complete your objective before being overrun.