Chronicles of Drunagor - RFY / WFY
After putting hours into the Chronicles of Drunagor campaign, I can say that it’s an adventure that excites and engages. Daniel Alves and Eurico Cunha have built a dungeon crawler with the action-selection cube mechanism shining at its center. It will encourage you to keep it out on the table and keep revealing more of the story and character progression.

Fossilis - RFY / WFY
Fossilis is the brainchild of designer David Diaz, and it brings the world of fossil-hunting to life in a tile-pushing dig site full of archaeological fun. It’s a kid-friendly game that will keep the adults engaged. Is it right or wrong for you?

Wreck and Ruin - RFY / WFY
If you were ever wondering what it would be like if Mad Max: Fury Road was turned into an objective-hunting board game, then Wreck and Ruin might be the answer you were looking for.

MicroMacro: Crime City - RFY / WFY
Look on a map and find the murder. Once that’s done, you’ve got to trace it all back to discover the victim, the murderer, and the motive. Everything you see is another story unfolding in MicroMacro: Crime City!

Between Two Castles of Mad King Ludwig - RFY / WFY
Between Two Castles of Mad King Ludwig is a tile-drafting game that takes the simultaneous action of a game like 7 Wonders and mixes it with the cooperative construction where your worst collaboration scores at the end. Is it for you?

Red Rising - RFY / WFY
Red Rising is inspired by the fantasy sci-fi books written by Pierce Brown and the mechanics of Fantasy Realms. It’s a quick hand-management game filled with point-scoring combos and it’s the newest game from the always popular Stonemaier Games.

Infiltrating your mind and making you question reality is the newest hidden movement board game Mind MGMT. With bold artwork from the comic creator Matt Kindt, it’s going to shift what you know of the genre!
1066, Tears to Many Mothers - RFY / WFY
Historical card games that make you want to go read about history? What?! It’s true, though. The superlative artwork and engaging head-to-head gameplay of 1066, Tears to Many Mothers may make you want to crack open a book and read about the Battle of Hastings.

My Little Scythe - RFY / WFY
Need something new to play with the kids? Well, maybe My Little Scythe will hit the spot. It’s a family-friendly gaming experience that takes some of the mechanisms of Scythe and infuses them into the surreal pie-tastic Kingdom of Pomme.

Pendulum - RFY / WFY
Pendulum is a curious creature of real-time spatial awareness and clever worker placement. It’s definitely a mind-burner but it’s got some innovative gameplay to show for it.

A War of Whispers - RFY / WFY
Now on its 2nd edition, with Collector’s content and extra cards, A War of Whispers is stronger in gameplay and design than it’s been in the past. Today, I look at whether it’s right for you or wrong for you.

Designer Spotlight - Vital Lacerda
We look deeply into the Euro-addled mind of Vital Lacerda, a master of design who is deserving of the Spotlight series and all the love from the Quackalope community.

Arkham Horror: Mother’s Embrace - RFY / WFY
Forays into digital games from the tabletop industry have continued and Arkham Horror: Mother’s Embrace is a unique entry into the world of Lovecraftian horror.

Unfair - RFY / WFY
Unfair is a big box of theme park possibility. Here’s a deeper look at what the modular tableau-builder is all about.

Funfair- RFY / WFY
If you want to build a theme park, then Funfair is how you’ll do it. But if you want it to have the tallest and best attractions, then you’ll have to compete with the other park builders around the table!

Euphoria - RFY / WFY
Euphoria is one of the older titles from Stonemaier Games but the thematic tie-ins with the mechanics and the dice-based worker placement makes it an interesting option for players.

Dice Throne: Season One Rerolled - RFY / WFY
Dice Throne began throwing dice at people in 2018 and now it’s a veritable powerhouse in the board game space with two seasons and a standalone adventure game.

List Day - Top 50 Games of All Time (For Devon)
Let’s see how this goes. Because there are so many I haven’t played. But you have to start somewhere…