One Quack at a Time - January 11th
A place to talk about the weekly goings-on in the world of Quackalope. This is the Monday rundown on the tabletop news you’ve missed, the board game goodies coming up, and all of the duck-related sense and nonsense that keeps us up at night churning out content for you good folk!
What You’ve Missed
We’re always staying busy which means sometimes you miss things that you wish you could read or watch. It happens to all of us. It’s the way it goes.
But in case you’ve got the time to look back (and even take a peek forward) on a week of board games, videos, opinions, and news, then you’re in luck!
Quackalope wouldn’t be here without you, so here’s what happened while you were busy…
2021 starts off with some collaboration and some reflection—check out an interview with BoardGameCo, Teen Titans sparring with Ruel Gaviola and Lord of the Board, and an honest talk from Jesse about the truths that define his journey through life.
The Quackalope blog now has three weeks of content and we’re pushing forward! Enjoy the Kickstarter furniture to play board games on, first impressions of the West Kingdom trilogy, a Right for You / Wrong for You on the digital edition of Gloomhaven, and five RPG experiences that you should consider on Roleplay Friday.
I must write. You demand it. And I must deliver.
“Believe you can and you’re halfway there.”
What’s Quacking This Week
The Quackalope Blog
If writing is an art, then I can make stick figures…
List day will feature board game mechanics that are difficult to balance well.
On Wednesday, Dan will be bringing us his special Tabletop Tipple series, featuring the game Irish Gauge and some stout!
Right for You / Wrong for You will dive into the expansion content for Raiders of the North Sea, from Garphill Games and Renegade Game Studios. Shem Phillips continues to pump out worker-placement games, but we’re taking a step back to see how the two expansions and the collector’s box affect the original game.
And Roleplay Friday will either continue the RPG Noob series or explore another aspect of the roleplaying world.
You know Jesse. He’s got videos coming out of his ears and this week will be no different, we imagine.
The Quackalope Podcast
Last week, The Weekly Quack released its 24th episode while Played It Once covered Dune: Imperium, but we’ve got more tabletop ruminations coming your way!
Other Media
Look for us on Facebook, Instagram, and other social media platforms as we engage with the community, talk about the latest industry news, and stay connected with all the other quacks out there in the world!
“Winning isn’t everything, but wanting to win is.”
What is the Quackalope Staff up to?
Devon is nearing the end of The Last of Us Part II. He’s over halfway through The Flight Attendant. He’s watched the final episode of How To with John Wilson. And he’s now played Dune: Imperium and Honey Buzz. More plays of those are on the way, and he still needs to break out Sorcerer City and Black Angel.
Jesse is back at it with lots of videos. He’s even started another YouTube channel that features vlogs all about affirming life. Check it out!
Dan is going to be spending the week sleeving and reorganizing all of the Legendary Marvel expansions he got from Christmas.
Will played some board games for the first time in the new year and now has a 1-1 record. He hopes to be at least .500 by the end of the year. Also, he re-organized his shelves and is feeling pretty good about it!
The Quack-verse vibrates with power and potential! It’s going to build and build into a crescendo of tabletop goodness!
Thanks for checking in with us! Be sure to join us this week as we unleash board game news, reviews, conversation, and more!