One Quack at a Time - December 28th
A place to talk about the weekly goings-on in the world of Quackalope. This is the Monday rundown on the tabletop news you’ve missed, the board game goodies coming up, and all of the duck-related sense and nonsense that keeps us up at night churning out content for you good folk!
What You’ve Missed
In case you didn’t know, the winter holidays have arrived in full force. Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and any other winter celebration that gives us an excuse to come together, celebrate life, and (for many of us in the Quackalope sphere of influence) play games.
I love the cold. And you love ducks… or geese. Why would you be here otherwise. So as we celebrate the cold and the fowl among us, let’s take a look at the things that have happened since the beginning of last week.
A Christmas miracle occurs as Jesse finally learns how to play Terraforming Mars! Our own William Lippincott shares a special rendition of The Christmas Song. And the Quackalope podcast knocks it out of the pond with an epic two-hour holiday special featuring many wonderful tabletop collaborators and enough festive conversation to keep you company through any cold, dark night.
The full first week of Quackalope blog writing is in. We’ve got the weekly roundup sharing what’s happening in Quackdom, a list day with Kickstarter regrets, an opinion piece on the virtues of game inserts over miniatures, a Right for You / Wrong for You review of Dwellings of Eldervale, and the beginning of a flash-fiction series that follows the journey of a man looking for answers to the mysterious world of tabletop roleplaying.
Stay tuned for more on the blog as we continue to churn out content for you all!
“Give a man a duck, and you make him a quack for a day. Teach a man to quack, and you make him a duck for life.”
What’s Quacking This Week
The Quackalope Blog
We’ve got more stuff lined up that should tickle your fancies.
List day will feature video games that I wish were adapted to Kickstarter board games, as well as a big list from the Quackalope writing staff on their best games of 2020.
On Wednesday, I explore my first impressions of The West Kingdom Tomesaga expansion and its interaction with that great trilogy of games from Shem Phillips.
Right for You / Wrong for You returns on Thursday for an examination of Terraforming Mars—the digital edition. I definitely didn’t feel the same way as Jesse when playing the game, but we’ll figure out if it’s right for you by the end of the review!
And Friday is the second entry in The RPG Noob series of flash-fiction that I started last week!
Keep an eye out for post-Christmas videos from Quackalope. All of the staff has had some gaming time during the holidays, so more board game content is on the way!
The Quackalope Podcast
If you haven’t seen the holiday episode of The Weekly Quack, please give it a listen. Jan and Jesse worked their feathered tails off on this one and it’s really something special. The podcast will be settling back into its routine, though, so be sure to keep your ears relaxed and ready for some audio bliss.
Other Media
Look for us on Facebook, Instagram, and other social media platforms as we engage with the community, talk about the latest industry news, and stay connected with all the other quacks out there in the world!
“I quacked my way to success.”
Where’s Jesse
Jesse is still in Kentucky. It’s Christmas, everyone. I know you want him on the road so you can get more collaborations and passenger-seat videos but let the man rest! He had enough to drink during the holiday special that it will need to work its way out.
I might start to Photoshop in some different names on the map, though, for any eagle-eyed readers out there.
“A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the ducks others have thrown at him.”
What is the Quackalope Staff up to?
Devon is still playing through The Last of Us Part II. It’s getting intense. He took a break at one point at watched Love and Monsters, which he recommends as a light-hearted couch movie. And a kid-free weekend enabled him to bust out Clank! and Unmatched, so those are some new blood on the board game shelves. And he’s still about 150 pages into The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson.
The other guys are still doing their thing during the holidays. Devon didn’t want to bother them too much, so their activities are flying under the radar. Incognito mode for the Quack staff. That’s how they roll. Do ducks and geese roll? I know that water rolls off of their backs. But not sure about ducks themselves rolling…
Anyways, that’s what’s happening in the world of Quackalope. You stay classy, board game community.
Thanks for checking in with us! Be sure to join us this week as we unleash board game news, reviews, conversation, and more!