News Blast - Wizama Makes Licensing Deal with Asmodee Digital
Sometimes things need to be shared, so that’s why we’re letting you know about these tabletop tidbits!
Wizama, the startup company that designed the SquareOne board game console, has partnered with Asmodee Digital, inking a licensing deal that is going to bring three of the biggest digital adaptations to the system.
Ticket to Ride, Terraforming Mars and A Game of Thrones: The Board Game - Digital Edition are all going to be on the SquareOne and these top-selling games will support multiplayer gameplay.
If you're unfamiliar with the technology (or the startup behind it), SquareOne was a big crowdfunding success. It’s a gaming system designed to blend the worlds of board games and video games.
It’s a portable console that can really change how friends and families connect together to play. And Asmodee Digital is not the only partnership that Wizama has worked on. Ravensburger and Petersen Games have also realized the potential of this device.
Asmodee Digital is one of the best-known publishers and distributors for digital board game adaptations, with a lot of popular titles under their belt. Ticket to Ride and A Game of Thrones: The Board Game - Digital Edition are two of their more popular games, but they also have others, like these two that I reviewed in the last few months.
If the pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that the future of board games can always adapt to unfortunate circumstances. We love this hobby too much to not play games and if there are other ways to play with friends and family then we are open to exploring it.
We have played with Tabletop Simulator, Tabletopia, Board Game Arena, and other platforms. SquareOne is another way to play the same type of games that we love, but it provides a tactile way of enjoying these experiences, without all of the physical headaches that come with setting up a game. It’s an interesting prospect, and I’m excited to see where it leads.
SquareOne from Wizama will officially launch in 2021. If you want to know more, check out And be aware that backers from Indigogo will be able to claim Ticket to Ride and A Game of Thrones: The Board Game Game - Digital Edition for free until February 28th.