An Open Table

An open table.

This week we’ve spent time listening to the experiences of our communities, trusted friends, and our country.

Quackalope is and will always be one that invites everyone to the table. Through diverse backgrounds, cultures, and experiences we all deserve a place to gather. To be heard. To be safe. To find a community. That promise will remain and grow as we do. If you need a table to play at - you are welcome at ours.

This week we’ve spent time reflecting. Seeking to better understand the cries of pain and the stories our friends have trusted us with. 

These stories of injustice, neglect, and discrimination will not be forgotten. Among them is a close friend who I grew up with, whose mother drove us to elementary school, and who has stayed a part of my life through some of the hardest moments I have faced. We talked about racism and his direct experiences with it. Experiences I never have - or would have - encountered. We grew up together and so his reflection allowed me to take a closer look at my own. The stories he shared hurt. They made me angry at the ignorance and injustice he has faced and they made me proud to call him my friend. 

This week we’ve made a commitment. To build a table that all people can not only feel welcomed at - but represented by.

To hear those within our community. To seek out and lift up the best parts of our space; the diverse voices within our industry, the artists, designers, publishers, and gamers who make up this table we all sit at.

To search for opportunities to collaborate with diverse creators, knowing that our community will be strengthened by their voices. 

To stand with you against racism, discrimination, and exclusion. When there is pain within our community we all feel it - because black lives matter.

To be here - If you need a table to play at - you are welcome at ours.

This is not a political statement. This is not a statement that was demanded or requested by anyone. This is a confirmation and promise to a community we love. 
Actions speak louder than words. So judge us with time.

We love you.


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