Red Rising

Listen to The Quackalope Podcast

Today we discuss Red Rising, designed by Jamey Stegmaier and Alexander Schmidt. Published by Stonemaier Games, it’s a hand-management game based on the popular books series by author Pierce Brown. In a dystopian society bound by strict Color-associated castes, there is endless conflict and it will be up to the players to determine which Colors they ally with to create the most effective and highest-scoring hand. Does this slick card game measure up to the books and what’s it play like for people unfamiliar with the Red Rising trilogy?

Learn more about Red Rising here.

Should we play it again? Bring it to the channel? Never touch it again? Let us know in the comments!

-Time Stamps-

2:25 - Jan Retires
3:33 - Intro to Red Rising
5:06 - Overview
9:32 - Context of Playthrough
11:58 - Actually Played It Once
20:22 - To Book or Not to Book
22:15 - Player Count 30:18 - Going Red or Going Home

Devon Norris

Devon Norris lives in Texas, and he's not sure how he feels about that. When he's not gaming or procrastinating, he's finding other ways to avoid work. If he listed all his interests, it'd be a long sentence that you wouldn't want to finish reading. If you play on any console, maybe you can hear his frustrated cries through your headset.




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